Making Drupal GMap Look Pretty
Recently we built a website that uses the Location and GMap Drupal modules. Our customer is an artist and we wanted to do something slick that matches the style of her site.
Recently we built a website that uses the Location and GMap Drupal modules. Our customer is an artist and we wanted to do something slick that matches the style of her site.
Dries Buytaert, founder of Drupal, recently wrote about how it snaps together like Lego pieces, building something he calls "The Assembled Web".
Being more efficient in the way we assemble a website will allow us to focus on the things that matter more, like innovation and creativity. By standing on the shoulders of giants, we can make things look and operate more beautifully than we'd ever have expected.
Drupal offers a fantastic mechanism for creating a new theme that builds on an existing theme. For example, if a Drupal theme does 99% of what you want, but you want to change the CSS or javascript in it, subtheming is a great answer. You can get started very quickly.